PR motivates customers to take action.

Measuring the real penetration of PR articles in magazines and online is virtually impossible, so it’s always nice to get a little feedback from the field.

We recently placed a case-study article in a major construction magazine for one of our clients. The article's byline names our client's marketing manager as one of the authors.

Within two weeks of publication, the marketing manager got an inquiry from the structural engineer at a company that makes architectural products used in conjunction with his own, one of the largest companies in the industry.  The engineer congratulated him on being a published author, praised the article, and asked for information about a new product mentioned in the article.

It should be noted that this article appeared in a magazine with a ‘non-proprietary’ policy, meaning that the brand and product names were never specified. The brand equity in the article consisted of our client’s name on the byline, images credited to the company, and a chance to tell a convincing story.  That was enough for a reader who was motivated to inquire.